Allandon Services Limited

Welcome to Allandon Services Limited the official website of lawyer Allan Donovan.

Allandon Services Limited

allandon services

Allan Donovan can be contacted by email at the following address:

Allandon Services Limited is pleased to be able to offer the professional services of Allan J. Donovan LL.B (Hons); Barrister as a Legal Consultant.

Allan is a fully qualified Barrister working as a Legal Consultant. Having gained his law degree in 1989 Allan went on to successfully complete the Bar Vocational course in 1991. Allan was called to the bar by Middle Temple in November 1991 and went on to complete his training with a 12 month pupillage served with Chancery Chambers in London between 1993 and 1994.

Allan does not practise from a set of chambers, nor does he accept work as a barrister. He is an independent Legal Consultant. Allan is a member of the Procurement Lawyers' Association.

To learn more about Allan Donovan's professional history, please visit the "About" page of this site. Please also take the time to read the client testimonial page here "Clients, Testimonials and Referrals."

Allan Donovan
Allandon Services Limited

Website maintained by Terry Didcott (Webmaster)